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Darjeeling Arya Ruby First Flush 2014

Your feedback

We love hearing back from our customers about our teas. We are grateful that they take the time off their busy schedules to write back to us. Their passion and knowledge inspire us to work even more harder to bring to all of you what you deserve -  the best of the crop.

Here are some of the feedback/reviews that our customers have been sending us. Thought we would share them with you. These can help readers understand our individual teas better, and make a more informed selection of tea for themselves.

Darjeeling Risheehat First Flush 2014

Darjeeling Risheehat First Flush 2014

"I had the pleasure of sampling all of Happy Earth's 2014 First Flush Darjeelings, and out of them I chose the Risheehat. I must confess that all of the First Flushes were excellent, as I've come to expect from Happy Earth, and I would've been happy with any one of them. But as I have a predilection for delicate teas my choice came down to the Sungma and the Risheehat. The Puttabong was a very close contender.

They are similar teas in some ways, with the Sungma being, perhaps, a bit more floral and sweet. But this year I wanted a bit more astringency and briskness, and so I chose the Risheehat instead. The 2014 Risheehat is not as laden with fruit flavors as the 2012 version which introduced me to Happy Earth. It is possible to capture some of that fruitiness with a slightly lower temperature, and a three minute steep. But this year's Risheehat has a slight edge to it, and a clarity, that I find refreshing in its own right.

And one thing that strikes me about all the teas that I have bought from Happy Earth, is that if you happen to forget that your tea is steeping, and it builds in strength, it will never get bitter. Now how many tea vendors can you say that about?" ~ Adam M, CA

Risheehat First Flush 2014

"I bought Risheehat Clonal last year from a different web store. It was excellent, but this tea is much better. There is a subtle peach flavor that I have only encountered in Oriental Beauty. I really did not expect this tea to be as good as it is. The tea actually looks like the picture on this page with different shades of green mixed with light browns and dark olive tones. There is that nice wintergreen smell of freshness when you open the bag. The liquid is very fragrant and rosy. There is an almost oolong feel, but there is a certain spiciness that lets you know you are drinking a fine Darjeeling. I waited all winter for the first flushes to arrive and I am not disappointed." ~ Sam F, GA

Darjeeling Arya Ruby First Flush 2014

Pic by Andrew Harto

Darjeeling Arya Ruby First Flush 2014

"This is a very interesting tea as far as first flushes go. Opening the bag you are greeted with a wonder fresh aroma. The leaves are wiry and similar in color to a second flush, but lighter with some dark greens and light browns. There's also an abundant amount of buds. The brewed liquid is similar in color to an Oriental Beauty and is quite floral with a hint of chocolate. After experimenting I found that this tea really comes alive when brewed at 195F for 4 ½ minutes. There is little is any astringency and that wonderful muscatel goodness comes to the front. The tea is fruity with certain spiciness found only in Darjeeling teas and a sweet slightly citrus aftertaste follows every sip. This is one of my favorite teas. Arya is known for producing quality tea and this tea is a prime example. ~ Sam F, GA

Darjeeling Arya Ruby First Flush 2014

"The 2014 1st flush Arya ruby from Happy Earth Tea is pretty impressive. For the last three days, I've been brewing this tea in every way I can think of: lots of leaves/short brew, little leaves/longer brew, grandpa, gaiwan, large teapot,'s just a pleaser. If you love oriental beauty, you'll love this Arya ruby.

If this reads like a product or vendor plug, well it’s not. Just sharing a good find with fellow tea drinkers. And thank you to all here who steered me towards Happy Earth Tea!" ~ Andrew Harto, CA

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