Give your Valentine a Happy Heart!
Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, so it got us wondering about the origins of this day to celebrate love that rolls around every February 14. There are lots of different theories about the origin story. Some say it began from a wild pagan holiday called Lupercalia which celebrates fertility. Others say it came from a pope trying to honor martyred priests named Valentine, but our favorite is connected to the notable 14th-century bard, Geoffrey Chaucer.
Chaucer’s poem “The Parliament of Fowls,” seems to be the earliest reference suggesting that Valentine’s Day was a day for lovers “Seynt Valentynes day” as the day “whan every foul cometh ther to chese his make” (modern translation: when birds come to choose their mates). After that point, other poets began advancing these romantic sentiments about Valentine’s Day, including our most beloved bard William Shakespeare.
No matter the truth, February 14th is a day to celebrate those we love. Whether you give cards, flowers, chocolate or perhaps tea, don’t miss the opportunity to shower a little love on those most dear to you. For your consideration, we offer our delicious Happy Heart tea packed in a festive tin bursting with love!
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