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Happy Woman for National Women's Hall of Fame

Every time you buy our herbal blend Happy Woman, 10% of the proceeds will go to the National Women's Hall of Fame. Being based in Rochester, NY, a region with a rich history of women's rights movement, we are certainly very proud and excited to be one of the sponsors of NWHF's induction ceremony that will take place this September.


National Womens Hall of Fame

For those who may not know about NWHF, the organization was set up in 1969 in Seneca Falls to recognize and honor women whose contributions in diverse fields are described as being of "greatest value for the development of the country." Past inductees include Susan B Anthony, Madeline Albright, Maya Angelou, Margaret Bourke-White, Pearl S Buck, Billie Holiday, Helen Keller, Billie Jean King, Janet Reno, Eleanor Roosevelt, Rosa Parks, Oprah Winfrey and others.

Happy Woman Tea Leaves
The induction ceremony is held every odd-numbered year. This year the inductees include Matilda Raffa Coumo, Dr Temple Grandin, Lorraine Hansberry, Victoria Jackson, Sherry Lansing, Clare Booth Luce, Aimee Mullins, Carol A Mutter, Dr Janet D Rowley, and Alice Waters. Reading the bio of each of these honorees will leave you inspired and exhilarated! The event will take place September 15-17 in Seneca Falls. For tickets to the event, click here.

Happy Woman Tea in a bag

In 1848 Seneca Falls was the site of the first women's rights convention in America. It was in this convention, among other things, the demand for women's right to vote was first raised. Among those who participated in the convention were Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott and Frederick Douglass.

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Douglass lived in Rochester, NY at the time. The other well-known resident of Rochester then was Susan B Anthony. The latter was a key figure in the women's suffrage movement as well as civil rights. Anthony was arrested for voting in 1872, and convicted after a widely publicized trial. Rochester is very proud for being home to these great historical figures.
The NWHF is currently in the process of a capital campaign for a new location. It will be housed in Seneca Knitting Mill, a historical building, which will become a state-of-art facility designed to showcase and preserve the achievements of women while inspiring the coming generation as they explore their talents.

It is an honor to lend our support to this great organization and its wonderful work. I hope you will join us in giving them a hand: buy and enjoy this flavorful and healthy tea designed especially for women, Happy Woman!

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