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Photo of different types of Darjeeling flushes of teas

Darjeeling Tea Flushes

Darjeeling Tea is harvested in four cycles a year, commonly referred to as First Flush, Second Flush, Summer Flush and Autumnal Flush.


Darjeeling tea flushes

First Flush is plucked and produced from March-April. The liquor from the young leaves is light colored with a delicate floral flavor. A lot of tea of this period also has a touch of astringency.

Second Flush is plucked and produced from May-June, harvested just before the heavy monsoon rains begin to fall in the mountains. The color and body of the liquor is richer, and has a more fruity character. It is the tea from this season that has carries the famous muscatel flavor found in Darjeeling.

Summer Flush or “Rains Tea” is produced from July-September, the leaves yield a strong brew with a coppery feel. This tea is used mostly for blends.

Autumn Flush is plucked and produced from October-November just after the monsoons have subsided. The brew turns light coppery while the liquors take on a delicate character.

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